Photoshop 101 Tutorial:
Have you ever wanted to add “Proficient in Photoshop” to your resume? Have you ever wanted to be able to create your OWN promotional graphic without having to outsource? In seven classes, I’ll take you from novice to intermediate! We’ll go through the basics of photo editing and airbrushing, how to create a promotional flyer or poster and the basics of logo design. We’ll even take a sneak peek at Adobe Premiere or Canva!
Pricing for Virtual Training
LIVE Zoom Training all 30-40 minutes
One on one class $75
Video recording expires one week after live class
$35 for a downloadable file
$20 for a PDF of all Keyboard Shortcuts
One on One Full Novice Photoshop Course (7 classes) $450 ($600 value)
Video recording expires one month after live class
$200 for downloadable files
Includes PDF of Keyboard Shortcuts
Group training single class $60 per person (4 person max)
No video recording available
$20 for a PDF of all Keyboard Shortcuts
Group training Full Novice Photoshop Course (7 classes) $375 ($600 value, 4 person max)
No video recording available
Includes PDF of Keyboard Shortcuts
Video Playback
Single Class $50
Class Video expires after one week from purchase date
$35 for a downloadable file
$20 for a PDF of all Keyboard Shortcuts
Full Novice Photoshop Course (7 classes) $300
Class Videos expire after one month from purchase date
$150 for downloadable files
Includes PDF of Keyboard Shortcuts
Course Description

1. Basics of Editing
Rather than take you through what every single tool that you’ll quickly forget, we’ll have you work on a photo that needs retouching so you learn how to work a couple of key tools, understand the photoshop basic layouts, and prepare you for the rest of the course.

3. Adjustment Layers & Colors
In this class you’ll learn all about color correction. We’ll take you through the steps to make sure your photos and graphics are color corrected using different methods and auto vs custom fixes.

5. Filters, Filters, Filters
Today we’ll learn about the wonderful world of filters. Whether it’s fixing a photo or just getting creative with a new look!

7. Dealer’s Choice
In this class I leave the decisions up to you! If you have a burning desire to learn something we haven’t gone over or you need help working on something we previously covered, we can work on that. Otherwise, I can take you through a mini crash course on Canva or Premiere!

2. Working Cutouts
In this class, you’ll learn how to cut out an object or headshot (no matter the background) and create a poster or flyer for an event.

4. Creating a Flyer
This class we’ll put your cutout and color correction skills to the test! We’ll take what you’ve learned in the first three classes, and create a flyer or poster you can use for promotional events!

6. Logo Design
In this class, you’ll learn how to create a logo. Whether it’s from scratch or taking an existing logo to work from, we’ll take the logo from bland to grand!